Thursday, November 5, 2015

Long sleeves

Hey guys, I know it has been a while since there was noise on here. To be honest I have no explanation save the fact that I have been conflicted within myself as to what to write. I decided to share my testimony using a collection of poems and short-stories and hopefully you actually understand my ranting. This piece is an insight to what it feels like to be depressed, or at least what I know I went through.

Everything was silent. In the grave of the night on Meadowlands Street, the only noise I heard was the slow steady sound of my heart beating. It was a lazy drum rollfuelled by an unexplainable excitement at the thought of seeing his face after a very uneventful week. As I pull out my phone for the umpteenth time to check my lipstick, I see the marks on my wrists. The faint scars of the state I was in an exact 15 minutes before the ironic strums of the bass that preceded Al Green’s let’s stay together alerted me that someone was trying to get a hold of me. I quickly pulled my sleeves down to my palms and made a mental note to keep it that way the rest of the evening. Perhaps after this I would come home to finish what I had started. Perhaps after this I would finally have the peace I needed, to let go and plunge head first into death. Perhaps he would say something sweet to me that I would take to my grave. Perhaps we would have that romantic comedy movie moment, where he looks into my eyes and is fascinated by too short lashes and plain brown eyes. As I pull up the camera on my phone, my hand starts to tremble. A formerly mundane creature stared right back at me, as trepidation filled my eyes. I smiled, tonight I was beautiful. I had perfected the art of the winged eyeliner and the perfectly arched brows, and I looked like the girls from the Ruby Woo Mac adverts. I had thick lashes and luscious red lips. Tonight I was going to shock him one last time before I left for a really long time.

The bus was late. Cars had stopped running and it was snowing for the first time in December. I watched as the spray of white falls to the ground, almost tempted to leave the bus shelter to dance in its feathery sprays. I stared in childlike admiration at the white that blanketed trees and rooftops while secretly hoping I could make a snow man. The Christmas decorations were slowly appearing and Starbucks had brought back its caramel brulee latte, soon my mom would be calling to ask me home for the festivities. It was hard to get my morning shot of caffeine with over twenty people trooping in for the holiday specials. The whole world remained still at this moment, save my breath that seemed to have a mind of its own. It was loud and deep almost like I was wheezing, I was nervous. It came out in little tufts of white, making funny signs and spirals. It made foggy shapes that made me think of reasons why I should not have left the house in the first place. I could feel the tingling sensation in my feet as my boots went wet from the five minute walk in the snow from my house. My hands missed the warm cup of coffee usually I had around this time during my sojourn at the Macodrum library with Achebe, Soyinka and Ken Saro Wiwa for companions. I hated the cold but it stopped me from sweating nervously so uncomfortably, I welcomed it. The bus was 30 minutes late, surely this was a sign that this was not meant to be.

I had a companion now. He looked like he was in his early 20’s. I imagined he was happy, that he had a great life. I imagined that school was going great for him, he had professors who like the way he spoke and engaged the class in lively discussions. I imagined he properly planned his essays and stuck to those plans. I imagined he was confident and he delivered excellent presentations, that there was no room for anxiety to fog his brains causing him to keel over in fear. I imagined that he had a great girlfriend. I imagined that they met in class and engaged each other in intellectual conversations. I imagined they knew where they stood with each other, that there was no cause for confusion, that he did not send her mixed signals, that he knew exactly what he wanted to stay to her and he said it in the right moment and at the right time. I imagined that his parents were still together and that they were still very much in love with each other as the first day. I imagined that the only issue he had with them was how much they showed each other love. I imagined that death was the furthest thing from his mind now that he was reaching the peak of his life. I’d bet coffee money that he had no need for the long-sleeved tee I so precariously had on right now.

The bus was still late. At this point I contemplated just going home and sleeping it off. I could continue the search for an inner peace tomorrow, there was no divine constitution that stated that I needed to die tonight. My strange but weirdly cool companion was fidgety, every now and then he would look at me and offer a polite smile, as if apologizing for the lateness of the bus. My face felt oddly heavy, probably crying out from all the layers of foundation I had slathered on to my face. I had chewed off my lipstick and what remained was the faint outline of vixen that existed before. My pre-existing confidence seemed to have vanished into the cold dark night and screaming seemed like my best option. I wanted to eat loads and loads of chocolate and welcome the fresh wave of self-hate that would hit me after. I wanted to feel the familiar coldness of my surgical blade ripping the flesh on my wrists apart as I cleansed myself from all the hope and child-like longing. It was the only thing I knew.  The bus was too late, I was no longer ready, and I needed to go home. As I picked up my bag, ready to cross the still silent road, the bus lazily arrived, letting out a self-satisfied lurch like I hadn’t been waiting for it for the past hour.

Hey there! I’m your intervention.

Thursday, June 11, 2015


Knock knock, can you hear me?
if only you would listen
I have left my perfect flock for you
I have left my ninety-nine to look for you, one
can you hear me?
amidst the drinking and the loud partying
can you perceive that I persistently search for you
among the sea of sweaty gyrating bodies
moving to the bump and grind of the devil's siren
can you hear me?
can you see that I consistently call out to you
even when your ears have been blocked... when you have blocked out my voice
letting his voice pervade what was meant to be my temple
my temple has becomes a place of buying and selling
trading merchandise that I have not permitted you to possess

Knock knock can you hear me?
if only you would lend me your ears
I have left my nine silver coins to search for you one
I am thoroughly sweeping my house, removing rugs, peeping through cracks in the floor boards;
flipping switches, desperately searching for you
can you hear me?
amidst the moans of subservient delight that escape your lips
delight from the Jezebels that you have so filled your life with
can you hear me from under the bodies of those spiritual harlots;
from under the chains, the bondage, the soul-ties
how can a slave love his oppression so much?
can you hear me?
even as you faithfully caress your enemy
allowing him to block you from me, causing you to slam the door right in my face

Knock knock can you hear me?
if only you would look up to me
I am on the cross, I wait patiently each day,
waiting for you to look so I will heal your disease
can you hear me?
amidst the crying and snot-nosed wailing
can you look in the mirror and behold the beauty that I have endowed you with
can you see that you are the expression of the I AM THAT I AM
can you stop comparing my perfection to their imperfection
I wait patiently for you to see me
to look at me, so I will call you beautiful which you are
to look at me with the same longing gaze you so feed the worthless men
who eventually cast you aside

Knock knock can you hear me
if only you would seek my face
I wait patiently for you to ask me
can you hear me?
in the heart of the confusion that plagues your soul
could you go on knees and raise your hands to me
so you could unleash my power which I have freely given you
you keep analyzing, looking to examine risk factors
you keep trying to find the degree to which something is going to fail, the confidence intervals
when I know the beginning and the end
if I know the ultimate outcome, why wont you ask me?
if I am not confined, constricted in the bubble called time
why wont you believe that I could hand you the cheat sheet to this exam called life?
if you ask me how exactly would you fail?

Knock knock can you hear me?
I am the KING OF KINGS and the ultimate know-it-all
I am the king who descended this earth, to relieve you of your death sentence
can you hear me?
I am the loan shark, who gave you the life you live;
the breath you greedily inhale, the body you eagerly covet
yet I fervently knock on the door to your heart
with the hopes that you would hearken unto my voice
before your grace period expires and you have to pay up.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Over and Over again

Hey guys,
So I don't promise a post everyday I just felt led to put this on here. It's one of the older pieces I have written which means a lot to me because it describes my relationship with God. It might be a bit confusing but I hope He give you the grace to understand it. Enjoy.

I want to fall in love with you
over and over again
I want those times when we first met
the times when our love was young
It was like a budding flower; so gentle and refreshingly beautiful
we couldn't go five minutes without each other
I want a rewind in time, a fast forward to those moments when;
I remained constantly in an atmosphere saturated with your presence
those periods I knocked on your doors and your presence came down with such tangibility;
I could smell your perfume

I need those nights when we would stay up talking about everything
I learned to make your favorite food as I knelt and lifted my hands in praise and;
you, you held me in your arms as I learned your laws and meditated on your words
I was so anxious to share every aspect of my life with you,
I told you of my aspirations and dreams, my favorite everything and the things that ticked me off
you accepted my imperfections and I came to love them just as I love you.
we whispered words of love to each other all night long till I fell asleep with you watching over me.

I want to fall in love with you
over and over again
I want those mornings I would sing and dance in your presence
smiling came naturally as I went about my day you had already given me the secrets
I miss the dings in my spirit alerting me that you wanted to pour out your heart
I miss those nights you would hold me as I looked hideous while fighting bouts of depression
when all I did was cry and tear out my hair

when we would commune, a joining, the coming together of spirits
with me emptying myself and you pouring your spirit into me
when we would communicate in secret
you would play movies in front of me, meant only for my eyes
revealing the secret and hidden things, things that are humanly impossible
the coming together of spirits
the communicating in holy tongues, the speaking of prophecies, the seeing of visions, the dreaming of dreams
the coming together of spirits.

I want to fall in love with you
over and over again
I'm not saying I don't love you right now
I'm saying that I want to know that awestruck feeling I felt deep in my bones when I first met you
the chilling of my spine, the goosebumps on my skin, the standing of the hairs on my neck, the change in the atmosphere
I want to know that feeling I felt when I first saw your glory descend in all beauty and majesty
when I saw the mighty works of your hand

I'm saying that I want that I've got to have that feeling
I want that loud thumping of the heart, the inability to look away, the butterflies in my tummy;
as the first utterance of the words I love you escaped my lips
I'm saying I want to remain in a constant loop of the honeymoon phase
where we keep on discovering each other
I want to fall in love with you
I want to fall in love so deeply that the possibility of unloving is nonexistent
I want to be so in tune with you that people begin to smell you on me
I want to fall in love with you
over and over again.


Wednesday, June 3, 2015


I'm very excited to finally have this blog going, it has been a thing on my mind for the longest time. I'm just glad I found the strength to actually get off my bed to write on this hot summer morning. I am christian and a writer, which means writing is the only way  I know how to offer a living sacrifice hence the title. I hope you all stick with me on this journey of faith that I'm making. hopefully the lord uses one of the many words on here to affect your life. I am a very lazy person and the lord has been bugging me about needing to change, so for me this is one of the many steps I have taken to curb it.
This blog is obviously one of many, so I don't expect it to be a major hit my very hope is that this site becomes a go to when someone is need of encouragement, words of wisdom, reassurance that God still cares, basically anything because I would be talking about my own relationship with God including its ups and downs.

okay I'm done rambling and here's a piece I wrote instead of taking down notes in class. This was inspired by Hillsong's hosanna. Be blessed.

I see the King of Glory
I see him on His throne of gold
with a crown of jewels on his head
with angels singing a joyous symphony
a perfect harmony
an exotic blend of the divine.

I see the king of glory
I see him seated in the highest heavens
I see him worshiped by saints whose love for him has no end
with a smile on his face as he nods rhythmically to the sweet smelling incense that rises up when we say 'I love you forever'
I see him tapping his feet to the sound of the drums, the keynotes on the piano,the strums of the guitar,the boldness of the saxophone, the bad-dumdum of the bass

I see the king of glory
sending his son in disguise as a man
I  see him smiling with pride as that son exalted his father with praise and mighty works
I see him turning away with tears in his eyes as his son was whipped
I see the king of glory taking 39, saying i want you to be mine
I see him with thorns on his head
with his sides pierced as a marbled river flowed
I see him on the cross being nailed together with my sins and each time he cried all i hear is i love you still
I see the king of glory kicking death in the guts as he obtained the keys to life

I see the king of glory
in full army gear
waging a war against the kingdom of darkness on your behalf
I see him going all word war 2 over your soul
I see him shielding you from the attack of the enemy, placing you under his wings
I see him giving that well place jab, that upper cut
I see him as he finally KOs the king of Sheol

I see the king of glory
unlocking the latches to the windows of heaven
I see him sending down packages
some big, some small, things we ask for, things we don't
I see him with a cup in his hands
I see oil dripping, pouring out on all heads
I see tongues of fire, liquid fire, flowing from the east

and I will lift up my hands to the heavens
in praise and adoration
I will call him my rock in times of troubles
my great provider, the only true one of Israel
I will call him the lion of the tribe of Judah, the God that answers by fire
I will call him the consuming fire, the God of the heavens and the earth
I will call him the rose of Sharon, the lily of the valley
I will call him the lover of my soul, the I am that I am.

I see the king of glory
I see him on his throne of gold
with a crown of jewels on his head
with a smile on his face, nodding as if saying yes! that's my daughter yes! that's my son
with angels singing a joyous symphony, a perfect harmony
an exotic blend of the divine.